
Orlaith and her TY German Adventure


My name is Orlaith, I’m a TY student in Mount St. Michael, Claremorris. I am in Germany for 10 weeks to learn and improve my German. I chose to do this program as I felt it would be a good experience to learn about a different culture and meet new people as well as improving my German language skills.




I arrived in Germany late September; my eldest host brother collected me from my hotel and then I met my host family. They were extremely welcoming. They showed me around and made me feel at home right away. It is nice to have other girls around the house as I am the only girl in my family.

One thing I noticed straight away that is different to my town is the public transport system and how easy and accessible it is to get around.





The first week was strange. I had a new routine to adjust to. I have to be up at 6 every morning to leave for bus at 7 but school finishes at 13:25 or 14:25 every day. I also attend a mixed school here which is different to my school in Ireland but nevertheless my classmates were very welcoming, and I’ve made lots of friends here.

The gym is a very popular spot among young people here, so I joined a gym near my house. I found it challenging at the beginning to converse with people. I would understand what they are saying but I would struggle to find the words that I wanted to say. With time that became easier, and I feel I can converse well now.

I really enjoy going into the city with my friends and experiencing a different lifestyle. After school some days I hang out with my friends. Last week, we went to the Christmas markets which was really cool.





German schools have two weeks off for mid-term break. During the holidays I went to KienBergPark with my host family. I thought it was really cool to get a full view of Berlin.

I also got invited to a few parties during the holidays which was fun and was a good opportunity to practice German and meet new people outside of school.

I went into the city with some of my friends and we got to have a look at some of Berlins top attractions, such as Brandenburg gates and the tv tower.

I have been in Berlin for 8 weeks now, time is flying by. I would highly recommend studying abroad with TRIBE to any students in transition year.


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